Self-Translation in Nabokov’s Fiction: Three Paradigmatic Cases
Self-Translation in Nabokov’s Fiction: Three Paradigmatic Cases
The article examines Nabokov’s theory and practice of self-translation in three paradigmatic cases: the novel Laughter in the Dark, the short story “Vozvraschenie Chorba”, and the autobiography Speak, Memory, self-translated into Russian as Drugie berega (1954), re-written in English in a revised and extended edition in 1966, and somehow completed in a fictional text titled Look at the Harlequins! (1974).
L’auto-traduzione nella narrativa di Nabokov: tre casi esemplari
L’articolo esamina la teoria e la pratica dell’autotraduzione di Nabokov in tre casi esemplari: il romanzo Laughter in the Dark, il racconto “Vozvraschenie Chorba” e l’autobiografia Speak, Memory, autotradotta in russo come Drugie berega, riscritta in inglese in una versione rivista e ampliata nel 1966, in modo romanzato nel testo Look at the Harlequins! (1974).
DOI: 10.1400/278731
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