Daffy Duck or the Generous Writer

Antonio D'Alfonso (Writer, Poet, Ph.D. University of Toronto)


Daffy Duck or the Generous Writer

Antonio D’Alfonso shows the true nature of Warner Brothers short animated film “Duck Amuck” (1953), by Michael Maltese, a screenwriter of Italian origins. Behind the surreal of its appearances, this cartoon hides the question of ethnicity.

Daffy Duck o lo scrittore generoso

Antonio D’Alfonso dimostra come il cartone animato di Duffy Duck, Pennelli, rabbia e fantasia (“Duck Amuck”, 1953), sceneggiato dall’italo-americano Michael Maltese, nasconda, dietro una veste surrealista e leggera, una vera e propria riflessione sull’etnicità.

DOI: 10.1400/230481


Cartoon; ethnicity; cultural pluralism vs. melting-pot; century 20th; second generation artists

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