Messicani per scelta o ispanografi per vocazione? Il caso di Carlo Coccioli, Fabio Morabito, Francesca Gargallo e Marco Perilli

Irina Bajini (Università di Milano)


Mexicans for Choice – Spanish-writing for Vocation. The Case of Carlo Coccioli, Fabio Morabito, Francesca Gargallo and Marco Perilli

This paper explores the ideological choice by which four contemporary Italo-Mexican writers have replaced their mother tongue with Spanish: Carlo Coccioli, Fabio Morabito, Francesca Garallo and Marco Perilli. The analysis of the linguistic behavior of each of them allows to conclude that both the cultural and linguistic cut of the umbilical cord tying them with their motherland meets a need of freedom, resulting in an emancipation from territorial, racial and identitarian bonds.

DOI: 10.1400/197629


Messico; Italia; autotraduzione; letteratura; italiano; spagnolo

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