Origine e originale. Esperienza di migrazione e di autotraduzione a confronto nell’opera di Marco Micone
Origin and Original. Experiences of Migration and Self-Translation Compared in the Works by Marco Micone
The aim of this article is to draw attention on the evolution of the translation and self-translation of Marco Micone’s Gens du silence. This evolution is crucial since it marks the steps of the Italian-Quebecer playwright’s research of his own origins. We start with a close examination of the first three French versions of Gens du silence (1982, 1991 and 1996), which clearly express the author’s desire to rediscover and re-eleborate his own origins. We will then analyze Non era per noi (2004), where the concept of origin has undergone a significant process of evolution. Finally, we will deal with the last French version of the text, Silence (2004), that testifies Micone’s rediscovery of a pacified and positive relationship with his roots.
DOI: 10.1400/197624
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